
Lounge πŸ“š

In the evening and at weekends, you can rent the Lounge for your next workshop, reception or lecture.

During the day you can pop into the CABIN meeting place to relax a bit, follow or organise a workshop or find a listening ear if you need one.

In the evening and at weekends, you can rent the Lounge room for your next workshop, reception or lecture.




You can rent Lounge every day – including weekends – from 9am to 2am.

  • For students, it costs 30 euros per hour.
  • A private person pays 50 euros per hour.

  • You can rent the venue with or without drinks, but no drinks of your own are allowed. All drinks consumed must be purchased via STAN.
  • Lighting, sound, audiovisual and podcasting equipment is available on request, as well as a speaker’s chair and a kitchenette (warming up only). You will find a full list of available materials while filling outΒ the online reservation form.
  • Tip! The organiser is responsible for setting up the room and requested audiovisual materials. So also book enough up and down time with your reservation.

You can start your request by filling out our booking form on the website. Apply at least two weeks in advance. After filling out and sending the booking form it will be processed as soon as possible. Upon approval, you’ll receive an overview of your booking and – if we do not hear anything to the contrary – your booking will be considered final.

Tips from our team!

“Want to make working on a project more fun? Come together at Lounge. This way, if your group members annoy you, you can just exclude yourself! Room Lounge has space enough!
