Sick in my student dorm: what now?

Sick in my student dorm: what now?

Dorm life, best life. For many, it is the first introduction to real independence. You decide when to get up, what to eat and how to decorate your room. But… what if you suddenly get sick? No mum to make you tea, no trusted family doctor to examine you or write you a doctor’s certificate. Now what? Don’t panic, because STAN will help you out! In this article, you will find all the essential information to manage your illness in the best possible way.

Medical aid wanted 

Are you studying at one of Antwerp’s colleges or universities? Are you living in a student dorm in the city? Then you can contact a network of doctor’s practices near the campuses. The list of practices can be found on this website. Luckily, there are several spread around Antwerp! Check the map and find one in your area.

No medical record with the new doctor yet? No problem! Make an appointment and mention that you are a student. You can simply give your dorm accommodation as your address. And what will it cost?, I hear you ask. Even with those doctors you pay the normal fee, which is largely covered by your health insurance fund.

Do you need medical assistance in the evening, on the weekend or on public holidays? Then you can go to a doctor, pharmacy or dentist on call. More information can be found on the website of the city of Antwerp (Dutch).

For serious medical problems you can visit one of the hospitals. Finding (specialised) help is no problem, as Antwerp has three general hospital groups: AZ Monica (Dutch), ZAS (Dutch) and UZA (English)

Report your absence

Missing a mandatory class, a deadline or an exam due to illness? It can happen to anyone. However, it is important to get a few things right. During your doctor’s visit, ask for a certificate of absence. Make sure you report your absence to your professor on time and officially. Send a polite e-mail explaining why you are absent and ask if it is possible to make up the missed assignment or deadline. Missed an exam? Communicate this before the start of the exam! There are separate guidelines for illness during exams, so be sure to check these!

Are you sick while scheduled for your student job? Notify your employer in time to avoid inconveniences. Keep in mind that your employer may also ask for an absence certificate. So be sure to check!

Catch up with your lessons

Ask your professor about the best way to catch up on the missed class. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many classes are recorded. Check if this also applies to your subject! If the lesson was not recorded, you can ask for notes from one of your fellow students. Or search online platforms like Studocu for a summary of the subject. Missing an exam can cause extra stress, but sometimes it is unavoidable. No panic! It is usually possible to reschedule an exam.


We know, missing classes or having to skip a night out with friends is no fun, but it is important to have a good rest when you are sick. Get enough sleep and give yourself time to recharge. No energy to go to the shop? Ask your roommates if they can bring something for you. Drink plenty of water and choose healthy snacks like fruit and nuts. Staying in bed is fine, but don’t forget to air out your room from time to time. That’s how you keep the bacteria out!

Don’t infect others

Being sick can be quite boring, especially if you lie in bed all day. After a while, you might feel the need for social contact, but it is important to avoid this as much as possible. Not only to give your body the rest it needs, but also to avoid infecting others around you.

Stay out of communal areas as much as possible, as tempting as that may be. If there really is no other way, only go to the kitchen when it is empty. Touch as little as possible and make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. Say no to spreading bacteria, because no one wants a sick dorm.