How to be global in Antwerp

Ciao! Gutentag! Kon’nichiwa! Hello! Ola! Hallo’kes! Today is International Students’ Day, which is a cause to celebrate for STAN. Because let’s face it: Antwerp without our international students would be like a pub without (tasty Belgian) beer. You just jazz up our diamond city.
But did you ever wonder how your fellow local students can stay home but still become global? Well you’re in luck: STAN gives you the down-low on students associations and organisations who are all about being global. So read on!
Plans to go on Erasmus and want to warm up a bit? Just back from a smashing foreign adventure and feeling a bit nostalgic? Or would you rather stay in Antwerp but still feel like starting an international adventure close to home? Then ESN has exactly what you are looking for! During their weekly pubs (on Fridays in café De Prof) local students get the chance to connect to foreign exchange students. Are you a real connoisseur of Antwerp or do you feel like taking someone on a tour of your favorite addresses in the area? Then take a look at their buddy project and get paired with an international student who can get to know you better!
Excited to combine international work experience with being a volunteer at a company or organization? AIESEC has a lot in store for you. AIESEC is the place to be if you’re searching for an internatioal oriented internship or a volunteer experience at home or abroad – in Europe or outside of Europe, from Africa to America! In addition to their many opportunities to go abroad, AIESEC also functions a student association in Antwerp, and they are always looking for volunteers. A great experience for you and your resume. Good job!
Are you a student at the University of Antwerp with an interest in the Global South? Then USOS is the place to be for you. This small organization is a part of the University of Antwerp and organises the exchange of academic knowledge between between universities in the Global South and the University of Antwerp. In addition, they also organize an immersion trip. Do you love writing and do you want to take your knowledge of the English language to the next level? USOS can connect you to a person abroad to become pen pals!