Help! I don’t understand Dutch!

Studying abroad is an exciting and wonderful experience. It is a time where you meet loads of people from all over the world. You’ll learn to adapt to life in a different country and broaden your horizon in countless ways. However, it can be nice to add a bit of Dutch to your new skillset as well. After all, it’s an awesome language, right? We have some places where you can go in order to live as an Antwerpenaar instead of an international.
The first place you can go to is Linguapolis. This is a part of the University of Antwerp focused on languages. Whether or not you are a student there, you are welcome to take part in their classes. They offer a variety of different courses (on more than a dozen languages). Whether you want to prepare for another degree in Dutch or you want individual coaching, Linguapolis is the place to be.
Another interesting place to check out is Atlas. This is the place to be when you want to stay in Belgium for a longer amount of time. They offer all kinds of courses and guidance during your time in Belgium. Whether you are planning to stay in our country or just have some questions regarding learning Dutch, the kind people from Atlas will be there for you!
If you are looking to experience Antwerp truly like a local, there is the ESN-buddy system to help you out. Every semester, the Erasmus Student Network offers a chance to be paired to a buddy. This way, you can learn the ways of the locals and pick up some Dutch along the way. Are you eager to make friends and socialize? Don’t hesitate to contact ESN.