Five sentences to ease your stay in Antwerp
You’ve just arrived in your new home town: Antwerp. Maybe you bought a translation book or maybe Google Translate is your go to tool. But in Antwerp, they not only speak Dutch, they also speak ‘Antwaarps‘. What?! Don’t panic. We will sum up five sentences to ease your stay in Antwerp!
Procrastination, everyone experiences it every now and then. It is important to start on time, even when most of the classes will be online. You can’t let yourself down and you’ve got to keep on going! Otherwise, you will probably get in trouble during exams. Let’s try to avoid that situation, because then you’ll have to say:
Da’s gin avance (That doesn’t make sense)
Life as a student can be challenging, how about financial issues anyone? When you’re living at your parents’ house, you don’t have to pay for all that food and those drinks you’re consuming in one day. Let’s be honest, paying your own groceries is challenging. Well, maybe the time is there to start making your own money and get a student job. How about working at STAN? We can assure you it’s pretty amazing. If you still do run out of money, this is what you got to say:
Giêne rotte frang emme (I’m not having any money)

Every evening it’s the same story: what are you going to eat? Will I try to be Gordon Ramsay and prepare my own meal, or should I just order some food. If the last one is your go to tonight, make sure you check out our free Student Guide Antwerp. This guide is filled with the best food spots in Antwerp (and much more). Still, you will have to choose. That’s when you say:
Eiren of joeng? (Make a choice!)
Lucky you. You’ve chosen Antwerp to study in Belgium (psst… that’s already the best choice you’ve made in 2021, we promise). You are studying in a real city with beautiful views while you’re strolling around the different neighbourhoods and… there’s us: STAN. We will try to make your time in Antwerp the best time of your life. That’s why you will be able to say:
Ik kus mijn twiê polle (I’m so happy)
Even though we’re not the greatest fans, they will come after all: the finals. But we’re pretty sure that you are well prepared, maybe even better than even. You’re probably studying at some amazing and safe STUDY360-locations around Antwerp and you’ve followed all those online classes with your full attention. Therefore, you can say:
‘t Is in de sakosh (I did it!)

You’ll get quite far with these five sentences, we’re sure. If you’d like to read more, check out another article I’ve written with 5 other sentences. Yes, let’s expand that Antwerps voculabary! STAN wishes you the best of luck and so much fun while studying in Antwerp. And don’t forget to come on in and say hi to us. You’re always welcome with every question you have. We will try to help. See you soon!
Still thinking about joining a student club for international students? Check out our interview with Lies from ESN Antwerp about what they can do for you.