“Enjoy every minute, because it’s over before you know it”

Incoming international students pay attention, especially for you we have asked your predecessors about their experiences during their exchange in Antwerp. We have gathered their advice and tips so you can get the most out of your time in Antwerp.
Bikes & Cantuses
Vicky from Spain thinks it’s important to arrive some time before classes start so you can settle in already. “New international students should definitely go to as many activities as possible, like those organized by ESN, in order to meet lots of people. Also, when you’re booking your flights or train tickets, keep in mind that it’s nicer to arrive in the city by day instead of having to find your way in a dark city. Transportation-wise, you must have a bike when you’re in Antwerp. I bought a year card for the timeshare bikes of the city called Velo, other friends rented a bike for the whole period they were here.” The highlight of her stay in Antwerp? “Definitely the cantuses! You can’t go on Erasmus without having done a cantus: an evening of drinking beer and singing, what more can you want?”

Vicky on her favourite transport on the Grote Markt.
The cantuses are also at the top of Lucía’s best experiences. “Also, the other events organized by ESN were a great way to meet new people, like the weekly parties in Café De Prof. I strongly recommend new students to attend every activity that crosses their path, even if you’re feeling tired, you’ll never regret going.”
Talk Nights & Dutch course
Mustafa also made lots of friends through ESN, but there are a lot more ways to meet other internationals: “There’s a facebook group called Expats in Antwerp, where you can ask anything you need and people are always happy to help. If you want to meet new people, but don’t feel like partying, you should try out the Talk Nights in Via Via Reiscafé, it’s not only a good way to socialize, it also helps improve your languages. I’d also like to advise new students who come here in the second semester not to go back home immediately after the exams, it’s better to stay here another couple of weeks and enjoy the summer bars and the good weather. Finally I’d definitely recommend to follow a basic Dutch course, like the ones from Linguapolis, so you can at least order a beer in Dutch.”
Sanne from France never got bored in Antwerp: “I met so many new people and there’s always a party to go to. My favourite spot was a bar called Tram 3, where I spent many wonderful evenings. I also want to urge all international students to enjoy every minute of their time in Antwerp, because it’s over before you know it.”

Sanne, 2nd from the right , in front of the MAS
Kotweb & travel
Hasan from Turkey searched for a room on the website Kotweb, which is a great site because all the rooms on there have a quality label. He has two advices for new incoming students: “If you want to travel a lot, it’s best to plan it a lot in advance, at least one month before your trip, to keep the costs down to a minimum. If you don’t want to hold back on your expenses, you could also try to get a student job, even if you don’t speak Dutch, you can definitely find something.”

Hasan under the statue of Brabo.