A sustainable wardrobe? This is how you do it.
We all love to look our best, but the fashion industry isn’t always very nice to our blue planet. So, after a lot of thinking, you make the decision to quit fast fashion. Awesome! The resolution’s there, now you just need to find the right approach… Well, today is your lucky day! Because this article is packed with sustainable fashion tips & tricks.
Take it easy
Of course, you’re ready to make your wardrobe eco-friendly as fast as possible. But wait a minute before you toss all your fast fashion items on the proverbial pyre. It’s much better to keep on wearing the clothes you already have until they’re worn out. Swapping out your entire wardrobe just because the items aren’t sustainable, would be a waste. Getting to the point of having a fully sustainable wardrobe is something that takes time, just like slow fashion.
Steer clear from the trash
Still want to get rid of some pieces you no longer wear? Make someone else happy with them by selling or donating your clothes. The local thrift shop, a clothing container, one of the many vintage clothing apps, … There’s plenty of options! This way you contribute even when cleaning out your closet.

Step on the brakes
You probably don’t want to hear this, but here we go: do you really want to help out mother nature? Then it’s not only important to shop sustainably, but also to shop less. Of course, you still want to dress on trend, nice and hip. That’s understandable and also doable, even without shopping. How, you ask? By diving into someone else’s closet once in a while! Organize a clothing swap with your friends or go hunting for killer vintage items in your grandparents’ closet.
Search for potential
If you do go shopping and your student wallet brings you to a thrift store, don’t forget to use your imagination. The racks of your average second-hand store tend to – cough – carry a lot of old-fashioned clothing. Time to use our imagination, because most of the time even the oldies carry a lot of potential. Different length, new buttons, some narrowing, … These few small changes can already make a world of difference to a garment. So, train your eyes and search the shops for diamonds in the rough. Before you know it, you’ll shine in a custom item!
Set a goal
To make your journey into slow fashion a little more practical, it can help to set yourself some goals. At the start that may sound like: “Whenever I leave out the door, at least one of the items I’m wearing needs to be sustainable”. After that, you can vow to avoid fast fashion-chains altogether. And what do you think about turning half your wardrobe sustainable after the first two years? Whatever goals you set for yourself, it’s important that they’re doable.